
small silkworm Learn more about small silkworm

  • Ten ways to prevent silkworm disease

    Ten ways to prevent silkworm disease

    1. Look at population development. When collecting ants, the hatching is uneven, the size of the silkworm is uneven, the head is big and the tail is small, and there is much silk spinning, crawling around the silkworm seat, indicating that the body is weak. In the process of feeding, touch the silkworm with the hand or lift the silkworm, such as the silkworm contraction, the resistant silkworm is the healthy silkworm, which shows physical weakness without feeling. Big silkworm period, touch the silkworm with the back of the hand, feel cold for the healthy silkworm, have a sense of dampness and heat, indicating that the physique is not strong. two。 Look at the posture before and after molting. When the healthy silkworm molts, its head and chest are held high and the skin is molted together. If you stay awake for a long time, you will fall asleep later.

  • Conditions and main technical requirements for co-rearing of young silkworms

    Conditions and main technical requirements for co-rearing of young silkworms

    First, the purpose of co-rearing young silkworms, as the saying goes, "raise half of the young silkworms", which fully illustrates the importance of raising young silkworms. The purpose of the co-rearing of young silkworms is to enhance the physique of young silkworms to ensure the safety of large silkworms and to achieve high quality and high yield of cocoons. The advantages of small silkworm co-rearing are as follows: (1) it is beneficial to realize scientific sericulture, adopt advanced sericulture technology and facilities, promote the neat development and strong physique of young silkworms, provide guarantee for large silkworm rearing, and lay the foundation for high and stable cocoon production. (2) it is beneficial to disinfection and disease prevention. Overcome the resistance of young silkworms to adverse environment

  • Cutting leaves to feed silkworms to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages

    Cutting leaves to feed silkworms to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages

    The young silkworm stage (1-3 instar) is a critical period for sericulture production. Only careful feeding and scientific management can lay a good foundation for disease-free and high yield in the later stage. In the production of sericulture in rural areas, some silkworm farmers are afraid of trouble and save trouble, and the whole leaves are still used to feed silkworms in the young silkworm stage, resulting in uneven development of young silkworms and serious waste of mulberry leaves. (1) to avoid the loss of the head of the small silkworm, especially the whole leaves of the 1st instar silkworms, the remaining mulberry that has not been eaten by the silkworms often shrinks and curls into a tube, wrapping part of the silkworms among them, while the young silkworms move.

  • Silkworm room disinfection technology: how to disinfect silkworms? How to disinfect silkworm wares in silkworm house

    Silkworm room disinfection technology: how to disinfect silkworms? How to disinfect silkworm wares in silkworm house

    How to disinfect silkworm wares in silkworm houses?

  • How to prevent the occurrence of young silkworms and lost silkworms and increase the yield of silkworms?

    How to prevent the occurrence of young silkworms and lost silkworms and increase the yield of silkworms?

    The cocoon yield is not only related to the weight of single cocoon, but also largely depends on the number of larvae and lost silkworms, so it is an effective measure to prevent the occurrence of young silkworms and lost silkworms in the process of rearing. Reasonable temperature and humidity should be kept at a reasonable temperature during the period of young silkworms.

    2020-11-11 How to prevent small silkworm and lost silkworm occurrence improvement
  • The latest new technology of planting mulberry and sericulture with high efficiency

    The latest new technology of planting mulberry and sericulture with high efficiency

    If you want to raise animals or plants, you must learn their breeding techniques. Sericulture can plant mulberry trees by yourself. let's take a look at how to plant mulberry and sericulture. The latest new technology of planting mulberry and sericulture with high efficiency I. establishing and perfecting the management system of sericulture

    2020-11-08 The latest efficient mulberry planting sericulture new technology if want culture
  • How to raise silkworms

    How to raise silkworms

    Sericulture in China has a history of thousands of years. In ancient times, many people began to raise silkworms. It can be seen that the development prospect of sericulture is very good, otherwise it would not have been continued to this day. How to raise silkworms and put it in a cardboard box or sieve it?

    2020-11-08 How sericulture in our country sericulture has been good thousands of
  • Tips for sericulture in rural areas

    Tips for sericulture in rural areas

    I think we are quite familiar with silkworms, many children usually like to raise and play, sericulture farmers have accumulated a lot of useful practical experience in daily sericulture production, and now introduce several tips on sericulture in rural areas for reference by sericulturists. Sericulture in rural areas

    2020-11-08 Sericulture sericulture rural areas small tricks for silkworms
  • How to raise silkworms in summer and autumn

    How to raise silkworms in summer and autumn

    The key factors for the success or failure of silkworm rearing in summer and autumn are leaf quality, climate and diseases and insect pests, followed by silkworm varieties, sericulture technology and equipment conditions. Therefore, in order to raise autumn silkworms well, we must carefully analyze the factors affecting the production of silkworms in summer and autumn, grasp the key points, grasp the time, and create.

    2020-11-08 Summer and autumn silkworm how to raise summer and autumn silkworm feeding nurturance failure key
  • Growth process of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

    Growth process of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

    Growth process of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

  • Pay attention to ten points of sericulture in summer and autumn

    Pay attention to ten points of sericulture in summer and autumn

    When it comes to silkworms, we are no stranger. I think many people, like editors, had the experience of sericulture when they were young, but at that time we were raising silkworms for fun, as a kind of good memories of childhood. But many people have to make a fortune by sericulture.

    2020-11-08 In summer and autumn sericulture pay attention ten o'clock speaking of silkworms in fact everyone it is not
  • Integrated control of infectious silkworm disease

    Integrated control of infectious silkworm disease

    In the process of sericulture, it is often due to the occurrence of infectious silkworm disease, resulting in poor cocoon harvest and cocoon quality decline. Therefore, disinfection and disease prevention must run through the whole process of sericulture. On the basis of focusing on the disinfection before sericulture, we should do a good job in disease prevention and disinfection after sericulture, and carry out comprehensive prevention and control in order to completely eliminate bacteria and put an end to the occurrence of infectious silkworm diseases. First, eliminate diseased silkworms in time. Many infectious silkworm diseases, such as midgut purulent disease, viral malacia, particle disease, bacterial gastrointestinal disease and so on. Silkworms tend to behave at the initial stage of infection with the above diseases.

  • Co-rearing technique of young silkworms

    Co-rearing technique of young silkworms

    As the saying goes, "the young silkworms are well reared for 70% of the harvest." Therefore, special attention should be paid to the co-rearing of young silkworms. (1) specific requirements and technical measures for co-rearing of young silkworms. A special small silkworm room is used in the co-breeding room. Need to heat preservation, moisturizing performance, and easy to exchange air, sericulture before strict disinfection, the implementation of "three elimination and one fumigation". two。 Heating is unified as Kang bed heating. Due to the heating of the Kang bed,

  • Causes and control of Bombyx mori Beauveria bassiana

    Causes and control of Bombyx mori Beauveria bassiana

    Beauveria bassiana is caused by Beauveria bassiana invading silkworm through skin. The route of infection is contact infection, the silkworm is soft and then hard after death, and the whole body is covered with white conidia, which is called "Beauveria bassiana". Beauveria bassiana likes to be wet and afraid of dryness, and silkworms are prone to disease in wet places and rainy seasons; if the work of detoxification and disease prevention is neglected in silkworm period, it will cause the epidemic of Beauveria bassiana. The cause of Beauveria bassiana ① the silkworm rooms and utensils co-reared by young silkworms were not thoroughly disinfected according to the prescribed standards, and there were a lot of Beauveria bassiana residues.

  • How big can the silkworm grow?

    How big can the silkworm grow?

    It is a very fulfilling thing to watch it grow from small to big when raising silkworms, so how big can silkworms grow? First, how much can silkworms grow? silkworms can grow up to 6-7 cm long at most. The silkworm will go through four molting times, and each molting will grow larger, according to the molting times.

    2020-11-11 Bombyx mori can grow grow how old sericulture when look at it by small
  • Control of common diseases of silkworm, Bombyx mori

    Control of common diseases of silkworm, Bombyx mori

    First, particle disease. Commonly known as flower sausage, it is a devastating infectious disease. 1. Etiology: caused by the spore infection of parasite. The route of transmission: one is embryo transmission, that is, the infected eggs laid by the diseased mother moth are passed to the offspring; the other is ingestion, that is, the silkworm eats the spores of microzoa and causes the disease. two。 Symptoms: population dysplasia, small silkworm body, poor appetite, sleepless silkworms, late rise or poor molting, and sometimes black-brown spots of different sizes on both sides of the ventral surface. It can be seen that the skin of the 5th instar diseased silkworm is torn.

  • How to raise silkworms

    How to raise silkworms

    Silk is the main raw material source of silk, and sericulture is one of the important economic sources of the family in ancient times. In the small-scale peasant economy, traditional men and women weave silk. It can be said that silkworms play an important role in the economic life and cultural history of ancient China. that

    2020-11-11 Silkworm how raise silk is silk main raw material source
  • Method for raising silkworms at home

    Method for raising silkworms at home

    With the continuous development of the rural economy, many people have begun to return to the countryside to start their own businesses. Silkworm breeding is also a good choice. China has always been a silk country, not only in domestic sales, but also exported to foreign countries. family sericulture

    2020-11-08 family sericulture methods along with now rural economy
  • How much is a colored silkworm? Is the silk spit in color? How to make the white silkworm into color?

    How much is a colored silkworm? Is the silk spit in color? How to make the white silkworm into color?

    Colored silkworm is the latest scientific research achievement which is introduced and absorbed by sericulture research institute at home and abroad and developed after years of research and innovation. The use of the most advanced sausage-style artificial feed (without mulberry leaves) and colored silkworms and colored cocoons (colored cocoons) by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    2020-11-11 Colored silkworm more less money one spit silk yes color Mo how?
  • A new sericulture model mulberry-marsh-mulberry

    A new sericulture model mulberry-marsh-mulberry

    In recent years, with the continuous development of sericulture, silkworm sand treatment has become a thorny problem for sericulturists in rural areas. Another silkworm sand treatment room will be built to increase expenditure and occupy an area; discarding will cause environmental pollution. Make full use of rural energy transformation of biogas digesters, a little screening

    2020-11-08 New sericulture model mulberry marsh in recent years with the silkworm